Not everyone is a fan of Lanc software and we have to accept that, so we went out to discover Lanc Remastered alternatives wandering around on the internet.
Lanc Remastered is one of the most popular user friendly IP pulling application on the internet and if you haven’t already used it, check out our how to page or register on our forums to discuss more tricks and fixes.
The below mentioned applications are all working alternatives but require some kind of knowledge with TCP/IP packets as its not as user friendly as LANC application. So lets dive in !
Lanc Remastered Alternatives
1. Commview
CommView is an application for network monitoring, packet analysis, and decoding.
2. PSN Resolver
PSN resolver allows gamers to find IP addresses of specific players in your party chat or in-game session. It work’s the same as Lanc but comes with a built in ping, geo and port scanner under the IP multi tool.
3. Console Sniffer
Network Research and Monitor Tool for all consoles
4. Octosniff
IP Sniffer for Gamers
5. Wireshark
Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education.
We have tested all the applications and the best alternatives we found is Commview and Wireshark. Although both was a bit messy to set up we did eventually manage to get it working. We would still recommend to use Lanc Remastered as its much simpler and easier to pull IP’s.
If you’re not satisfied or requires help with LANC Remastered, join our forums network so that someone can assist you.
SO what do you think of the options above and/or do you know of any other applications that works as good as LANC? Let us know in the comment section below.
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